Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Introduction to become an Alim Essay

* The first thing is to act upon what has been thought, the person who seek knowledge and does not act upon it will become mislead. * Always respect everyone and never do something that which will lower your dignity because now you are representing Islam; it not so hold your own respect it is so you hold the respect of Islam. * Never act proud that you an educated a person verily Allah dislike the people who are proud and arrogant. * Be humble and soft with classmates, even if he/she treats you unjustly to you. * When you asked a question by a person who is hard of learning and he/she ask for explanation over and over again don’t become angry and just true your best to understand the question. * IF you are asked a question and you don’t know then say ‘I DON’T KNOW’ and don’t make the answer up. * Always stay on the topic when asked a question. * If someone correct you and you are wrong and admit that he is right. Never deny HAQ (truth) and always accepts the truth. The Ethics of the teacher * Always rush to giving Salam the teacher. * Talk minimum in front of your teacher. * When the teacher enter the room stand up in the honor and respect. * Don’t say that someone talked against you. * Don’t ask a question to anyone around the teacher because if they don’t know the answer they will feel embarrassed. * Don’t go against the teacher’s opinion. * Don’t laugh in front of the teacher * Only ask them question when they are at home, not in public * One should stop the teacher from teaching when they are tiered. * To be humbled in front the teacher. * Listen to the lecture with full attention. * before studying seek permission then read Istiadah and Bismillah, then make a dua once finished lesson Intention of an Alim-e-Deen When a student of deen is studying his intention should be to please Allah and to help towards Nabi mission and also to show other members of Islam to learn.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Empowerment supports organisational objectives at the expense of the individual worker Essay

Companies today are designed in someway, at some level, to develop individuals either for their own sake, the company’s sake or hopefully for both. The team has become a sophisticated structure. I t is ‘finely engineered, maintained to a high standard, and when running smoothly it is highly productive’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 63). It provides an environment in which energy can be maximised towards corporate needs, which also allows the individual to satisfy his or her own needs within work, rather than only outside of it. So often seemingly dull unimaginative and uncreative employees surprise their companies when they reveal the depth of their energy outside work. However it is the ‘corporate attitudes’ (Legge, K, 1995: 104) that stifled them, and when released companies recognise they have a pool talent, a wealth of resources, at their fingertips. Empowerment has been in the ‘forefront of quality improvement efforts’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 23). Several businesses worldwide have been and still are currently closely watching quality the ability to produce superior and distinguished goods and services to meet customer needs. The commitment to quality today is very present in ‘service industries, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions’ (Mabey at el, 1998: 48). Total Quality, also known as Total Quality Management (TQM), is seen differently by different people. Empowerment has been defined in different ways. Some have claimed it is ‘a fundamentally different way of working together’ (Spencer & Pruss, 1992: 271) and ‘quite different from the traditional notion of control’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 94). Cole (1997) is able to define the concept of empowerment as an application to ‘none managerial roles’ such as team members. However, he argues there are several possible meanings. These can range from having ‘increased authority’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 53) and therefore their ability exercise a wider range of choices at work and to be given a more varied and interesting job in the form of job enrichment. At best empowerment increases individuals discretion over how they do their work. It may also provide additional opportunities for group problem solving on operational issues. Empowerment is seen as ways of giving people more opportunity or ‘power’ (Mabey et al, 1998: 38) to exercise control over, and have responsibility for, their work. It is intended to encourage individuals to use their abilities by enabling them to take decisions. According to Potterfield (1999), empowerment will be best defined as a way of bestowing upon employees ‘the power to use more judgment and discretion in their work and to participate more fully in decisions affecting their working lives’ (Legge, K, 1995:84). Others are more sceptical. Armstrong (1996) points out that ‘Empowerment, for example, may mean little more than giving employees the opportunity to make suggestions for change’ (Armstrong, 1996: 76). In practice, empowerment is intended to release active employee engagement only so long as it falls within the parameters for which it was selected as a strategy. In most organisations it is ‘management which defines and adjudicates and ultimately exercises control’ (Armstrong, 1996: 78). The concept of empowerment ‘is based on the belief that to be successful, organisations must harness the creativity and brain power of all the employees not just a few managers’ (Graham & Bennett, 1995: 3). The idea that everybody in the business has something to contribute represents a radical shift in thinking away from the old idea that managers managed and the workforce simply followed orders. The fact that empowerment does represent a radical shift in thinking explains why, in many organisations, the initiative has failed. Empowered organizations are composed of empowered persons, although it is not necessarily true that a group of empowered persons automatically creates an empowered organization. Organizations that are ‘truly empowered have moved out of the old paradigm of competition and beliefs in limitation and scarcity’ (Sparrow & Marchington, 1998: 291). The face of the contemporary workplace is drastically changing. More and more companies are realising the value of more ‘flat democratic organisational structure’ (Mabey et al, 1998: 23) over the traditional autocratic, hierarchical management styles. In contrast to empowered workplaces, disempowered workforce suffers from poor self-esteem, lack of a personal vision and a feeling of hopelessness. These ‘attitudes and beliefs form inner barriers that block growth and proactive development’ (Legge, K, 1995: 63) and manifest in the worker in the form of reluctance to accept responsibility, hesitance to communicate openly, lack of commitment and ownership and, ultimately, in below average performance. Such employees ‘become passive passengers who are more focused on having their personal needs met than on contributing fully’ (Sparrow & Marchington, 1998: 82) so that the company can grow. Because they feel afraid, uncertain and insecure, they will unconsciously sabotage new interventions and approaches. An example of this is the resistance management often experience when implementing a ‘quality management system’ (Sparrow & Marchington, 1998: 82). In this way employees become a stumbling block to progress instead of much-valued assets. In companies where managers make a concerted effort to delegate and share power and control, the ‘results are not always impressive’ (Graham & Bennett, 1995: 93). The reason for this is either a lack of understanding of the nature of empowerment, or a greater focus on applying a set of managerial techniques than on creating conditions that are essential for empowerment to thrive. Where empowerment does not work it is because ‘people do not think it through’ (Mabey & Salaman, 1997: 83). To avoid such failures it is important to gain commitment for the senior management team, and then to cascade this down to other levels of management. The hardest group to convince about empowerment are ‘middle managers’ (Spencer & Pruss, 1992: 92), because it is their jobs that are most likely to be affected. It is because these managers often have the most to lost that they may have a tendency to undermine or delay implementation of a new policy. The implementation of empowerment in organisations instead of the traditional hierarchies means a ‘flatter organisational structure’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 57), which can give rise to considerable resentment and individual resistance. There are, naturally, many problems that can arise in the empowerment process. Many workers may ‘resist these new responsibilities’ (Mabey et al, 1998: 23); they in fact like having their decisions made for them and will resent the extra burdens (and work). There still may be those workers who resent the implications of greater self-direction, possibly even arising from an obvious fear. There is an interesting theory underlying this reaction. Maslow has called this the Jonah Complex, ‘the fear of one’s own greatness’ (Maslow, 1971: 34). While Maslow discussed this term in a more mystical, spiritual context, it is associated as a sort of classic block to self-actualisation. Since empowerment speaks to the same sort of needs as self-actualisation, it could be drawn that there is the possibility of a collective sort of Jonah Complex at the heart of many conflicts in organizational transitions. Employees may also be ‘cynical and suspicious of this approach’ (Gennard & Judge, 1997: 235, Hitchcock and Willard, 1995:27) as another way to get more work out of them for less money. However allowing employees to take an active part in the change process from the very beginning, and showing them that their organization is truly changing will remove some of their wariness. There is also the danger of the ’employees feeling too empowered’ (Legge, K, 1995: 57); in feeling so independent of other facets of the organization that there might also be troubles in transitioning to teams. Empowerment supports organisational objectives at the expense of the individual worker to ‘speed up the decision making processes and reducing operational costs’ (Sparrow & Marchington, 1998: 293) by removing unnecessary layers of management such as staff functions, quality control and checking operations. In retrospect empowerment is usually advocated to ‘release the creative and innovative capacities of employees’ (Armstrong, M, 1996:386), to provide greater job satisfaction, motivation and commitment and giving people more responsibility enables employees to gain a great sense of achievement from their work therefore. The reasons for ’empowerment emerging as a concept for our time’ (Armstrong, M, 1996:385) is the need to generate energy release in employees by providing them with visionary leadership and a supporting environment and by treating them as a valuable asset to be invested in rather then as a cost despite the fact that organisatio ns are driven by profit generating, cost reduction and market pressures. Empowerment at workplace level has ‘greater justification for management in HRM terms’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994:582). Management needs to decide how much power to delegate to employees while controlling their levels of creative energies and at the same time ‘not undermining managerial prerogatives’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 582). TQM (total quality management) ‘suggests a system whereby worker empowerment is restricted very much within the boundaries set by the management’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 582). Training can provide ‘an opportunity to empower and motivate employees’ (Honold, L, 1997). Empowering workers in this small way (i.e., schedule the training sessions) during the actual implementation of the organizational change can provide workers with a small degree of control over what is essentially a change in process over which they have no control. Empowerment can be argued ‘as an objective in its own right as a means of extending worker satisfaction’ (Gennard & Judge, 1997: 211). This can be related to the concept of Quality of Working Life (QWL). It refers primarily to how efficiency of performance depends on job satisfaction, and how to design jobs to increase satisfaction, and therefore performance. The early psychological basis of QWL and of justifications of empowerment relating to increased worker motivation was Herzberg (1968). Herzberg developed a theory called the two-factor theory of motivation. Herzberg argued that ‘job factors could be classified as to whether they contributed primarily to satisfaction or dissatisfaction’ (Spencer & Pruss, 1992: 64). There are conditions, which result in dissatisfaction amongst employees when they are not present. If these conditions are present, this does not necessarily motivate employees. Second there are conditions, which when present in the job, build a strong level of motivation that can result in good job performance. Management very rarely discusses the practical problems in attempting to apply empowerment through ‘quality management’ (Mabey & Salaman, 1997:34) therefore employee views and feelings are unheard. The argument in supporting quality management requires an increase in ‘workers skills and results in genuine employee empowerment’ (Mabey & Salaman, 1997:34). However, in contrast to the optimistic approach is the argument that empowerment through quality management results in the ‘increasing subordination of employees in return for little or no extra reward’ (Mabey & Salaman, 1997:35). Recently, empowerment has become ‘an important Human Resource Management tool’ (Graham & Bennett, 1995: 93) in many organisations. It has been portrayed as the ultimate tool to access unleashed potential and help leaders get the best from their people. In reality, however, organisations that are trying to empower people may be fighting an uphill battle. Managers who harbour a fear that affirmative action may jeopardise their jobs, may be more worried about keeping their jobs than about empowering others. According to Maslow (1998), people need a sense of ‘self-determination, autonomy, dignity, and responsibility’ (Legge, K, 1995: 221) to continue to function in a healthy, growth-motivated way. When placed in an environment where any or all of these qualities are removed from them and they are instead ‘forced to submit to another’s will and think and act under constant supervision’ (Legge, K, 1995: 221), their sense of esteem and self-worth is robbed from them. The implementation of empowerment can be used successfully as a HRM tool as it provides a competitive advantage ensuring ‘organisational survival’ (Mabey & Salaman, 1997:25) and at the same time protecting employees jobs. However, employee’s maybe compelled to work harder and more flexibly ‘for their own good’ (Mabey & Salaman, 1997:25) otherwise they might be made redundant for the greater good. The aim of empowerment is to ‘enable employees to actually have to deal with problems to implement solutions quickly and without recourse to supervisors’ (Gennard & Judge, 1997: 71) and or higher levels of management. This is increasingly necessary as large and bureaucratic organisations ‘delayer’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 91) management hierarchies in the search for administrative efficiency and lower costs. Employee empowerment is a very important aspect when considering human resource management. The failure of employers to give employees an opportunity to participate in decisions affecting their welfare ‘may encourage union member ship’ (sparrow & Marchington, 1998: 53). It is widely believed that one reason managers begin employee involvement programs and seek to empower their employees is to ‘avoid collective action by employees’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 83). Employee empowerment offers the employers and the employees the chance to be on the same level, so to speak. Empowerment allows them to help make decisions that affect themselves, as well as, the company. Basically, through empowerment, employers and employees are in a win-win situation. The ’employees feel like they are needed and wanted, while the employers gain satisfaction through their prosperity’ (Mabey & Salaman, 1997: 64). Employee empowerment can be a powerful tool. The now advanced leadership style can ‘increase efficiency and effectiveness’ inside an organization (Graham & Bennett, 1995: 13). It increases productivity and reduces overhead. Overhead expenses are those needed for carrying on a business, i.e. ‘salaries, rent, heat and advertising’ (Mabey & Salaman, 1997: 39). It gives managers the freedom to dedicate their time to more important matters. Managers can highlight the talents and efforts of all employees. The leader and organisation take advantage of the ‘shared knowledge of workers’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 64). Managers at the same time ‘develop their own job qualifications and skills attaining personal advancements’ (Spencer & Pruss, 1992: 38). Empowered employees can make decisions and suggestions that will down the line improve service and support, saving money, time and disputes ‘between companies and their customers’ (Gennard & Judge, 1997: 291). Empowerment of qualified employees will provide exceptional customer service in several competitive markets; therefore it will ‘improve profits through repeated business’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 76). Customers prefer to deal with employees that have the power to manage arrangements and objections by themselves, without having to frequently inquire of their supervisors (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 76). Empowerment is a strong tool that will increase ‘revenue and improve the bottom line’ (Sparrow & Marchington, 1998: 280). Empowerment is also the best way to ‘promote a good long-lasting employee-customer relationship’ (Sparrow & Marchington, 1998:32). Empowerment also brings benefits to employees. It makes them feel better about their inputs to the company; it promotes a greater productivity, and provides them with a ‘sense of personal and professional balance’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 91). It exercises employees’ minds to find alternative and better ways to execute their jobs, and it increases their potential for promotions and job satisfaction. It results in ‘personal growth’ (Mabey at al, 1998: 174) since the whole process enlarges their feelings of confidence and control in themselves and their companies. It is a process that makes workers utilize their full potentials. This enables them to stay behind their decisions, assume risks, participate and take actions. It is a ‘win-win situation’ (Wilkinson, A, 1998); customers benefit from sharp employees; organizations benefit from satisfied customers and sharp employees; and employees benefit from improving their confidence and self-esteems. Benefits come with changes in the organization’s culture itself. Benefits require ‘changes in management and employees’ (Mabey at al, 1998: 54). For empowerment to succeed, the ‘management pyramid’ (Mabey et al, 1998: 54) must be inverted. Old-fashioned managers must take a step back and for the first time serve their subordinates and give up control. Old-fashioned employees must also agree to changes. They could see ’empowerment as a threat’ (Spencer & Pruss, 1992: 147), especially if they became use to the convenient old style of management structure where the ‘rules and decisions always came from above’ (Legge, K, 1995: 94). Employee involvement and participation schemes are to ‘enhance job responsibility’ (Legge, K, 1995: 24) by providing individuals with more influence over how they perform their tasks (employee empowerment). Each individual can make a personal decision on how to perform his or her task instead of being instructed on how to do so by management. When employees are involved, they have some influence on how they perform their job. This in turn is likely to ‘increase their contentment with the job’ (Mabey at al, 1998: 134), the probability that they will remain in that job and their willingness to except changes in the task that make up the job. Individual employees are more likely to be ‘effective members of the workforce’ (Sparrow & Marchington, 1998: 76) if management taps into their knowledge of the job by seeking their opinion on how the job should be performed and how it can be organised better. For employees, the greater empowerment and control given to frontline staff and to their teams has meant a great degree of freedom than ever before in controlling their own working lives (Sparrow & Marchington, 1998:166). The power that managers have, the capacity that managers have to influence the behaviour of employees and work responsibilities, must be ‘now shared with employees’ (Gennard & Judge, 1997: 73) through the creation of trust, assurance, motivation, and support for competitive needs. Work-related decisions and full control of the work is being pushed down towards the lowest operating levels (Armstrong, M, 1996: 58). Self-conducted teams have also emerged, which are groups of empowered employees with no or very little supervision. These groups are able to ‘solve work problems, make choices on schedules and operations, learn to do other employees’ jobs, and are also held accountable and responsible for the quality of their outputs’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 12) Guest (1987) argued under ‘high commitment management’ workers would be committed to management’s vision, and that management would favour individual contracts over collective agreements as a mean of furthering worker commitment and dependence, thus making unions redundant. Employees who feel they are in a stable work environment ‘will feel more secure and empowered’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 94). Advancement opportunities and rewards/incentive programs should also be implemented, as they feed into how committed and employee feels to making positive contributions and whether or not they are recognised for their efforts. Morale, too, provides a good measure of the culture of the organisation. Organisations with a ‘restrictive, secretive environment where information is tightly controlled’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 162) will have less informed less empowered employees. Organisations with a more open environment, where ideas are encouraged from all levels will have a freer flow of information, better-informed employees, and thus higher empowerment. Through the process of employee empowerment, ’employees feel more valued’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 40) because they are able to participate in the planning process and the decision making process. Empowerment gives employees the opportunity to contribute to the company’s overall success (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 40). This helps an employee feel that he/she is truly valued, rather than that they are just a back to be stepped upon by those trying to reach the top. All in all, if the employee is happy with their job, than a paying customer will see that and want to return. Empowerment allows an employee to find ‘new ways to express their creativity’ (Armstrong, M, 1996: 161). Through creativity, employees are able to make sales or transactions an unforgettable and pleasurable experience for customers, thus ensuring the customers return. Employee empowerment can have a ‘profoundly beneficial impact on the bottom line if used correctly’ (Mabey et al, 1998: 18). Empowerment allocates responsibility to an employee and creates the motivation to surpass customer expectations. In order to keep customers for life, employers must empower their employees to make their own decisions. Empowerment gives ’employees the opportunity to make decisions and suggestions’ (Cole, G, A, 1997: 39) that will down the line improve service and support, saving money, time and disputes between companies and their customers. Empowerment is an aspect, which must be considered in ‘negotiating an effective team contract’ (Spencer & Pruss, 1992: 69) .The team must be empowered to seek and find information across the existing management structures. The communication aspect of empowerment means that the team must be clearly shown where their work adds value to the company, where their effects will show results and where their work fits in with the company’s objectives. ‘Organizations wishing to instil a culture of empowerment must find a way of establishing systems and processes that do not restrict employees. By concentrating on what behaviour is considered optimal for the employees and what they do well, management can adapt, develop and change the organizational structure to produce the sought after behaviour’ (Erstad, M, 1997). Culture changed programmes are ‘commonly promoted’ (Mabey et al, 1998: 132) to increase the power of the worker, through empowerment. However, critics have argued empowerment is a means of increasing work intensity and gaining greater managerial control over labour (Brambell, 1995, Legge, 1989). Conclusion Work place attitudes such as ‘praising teams for success and punishing teams for failure are inherent in our society’ (Mabey et al, 1998: 32) where winning and survival have become synonymous. Businesses are installing empowerment into their organisations to ‘give people more responsibility and asking them to test the corporate boundary limits’ (Graham & Bennett, 1995: 91). A t the same time, organisations are asking staff to be more entrepreneurial, and take more risks. It can be argued employees who empower themselves can be called troublemakers and those who take entrepreneurial risks and fail are referred to as failures. The business ethic which condemns failure as a bad thing is going to ‘restrict its best people’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 12), force them to avoid taking risks that may one day be beneficial and will prevent the team experiencing the excitement of the empowerment which is vital to motivation and team dynamics. The advantages gained through empowerment are numerous. Employee empowerment allows an organization to unleash the vital, untapped forces of employee creativity and motivation to solve business problems (Legge, K, 1995: 50). Empowering employee also allows them to make decisions on the spot. This is very important when you work in an industry where you work directly with a paying customer. When employees are empowered, the employer enables them to offer full service to their clients and protect them from the competition. ‘The rewards of empowerment outweigh the risks of losing the employees themselves’ (Spencer & Pruss, 1992: 203). The retail industry is a perfect example. Managers are ‘learning to give up control’ and employees are learning how to be responsible for the actions and decisions (Cole, G, A, 1997: 34). It is fundamental that management shares information, creates autonomy and feedback, and trains and creates self-directed teams for empowerment to work properly. Managers often prefer not to ‘communicate with employees, and not to share some extremely important information’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 247) with them, but an effective leader must have no hidden agendas. They must treat employees as ‘stakeholders for the road of success’ (Beardwell & Holden, 1994: 247). Employees must have a clear vision of success, because if they are not aware of what success means to the company and where the company is heading, there is no way they can feel empowered to help accomplish this success. ‘Empowerment is not something, which can be passed over from management to employees as a pen is handed from one person to another. It is a complex process, which requires a clear vision, a learning environment both for management and employees, and participation and implementation tools and techniques in order to be successful’ (Erstad, M, 1997). Â   Bibliography Armstrong, M (1996) ‘A Handbook of Personnel Management Practice’, Sixth Edition, Kogan Page Beardwell, I & Holden, L (1994) ‘Human resource Management- A contemporary perspective’, Pitman Cole, G, A (1997) ‘Personnel Management’, Fourth Edition, Letts Erstad, M (1997) ‘Empowerment and organizational change’, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume 9 No. 7; Gennard, J & Judge, G (1997) ‘Employee relations’, Institute of Personnel & Development Graham, H, T &Bennett, R (1995) ‘Human Resources Management’, Eight Edition, M+E handbooks Honold, L (1997) ‘A review of the literature on employee empowerment’ ,Empowerment in Organisations; Volume 5 No. 4 Legge, K (1995) ‘Human Resource Management-Rhetoric’s & Realities’, Macmillan Business Mabey, C & Salaman, G (1997) ‘Strategic Human Resource Management’, Blackwell Business Mabey, C, Skinner, D & Clark, T, (1998) ‘Experiencing Human Resource Management’, Sage Sparrow, P & Marchington, M (1998) ‘Human Resource Management-The New Agenda’, Pitman Spencer, J & Pruss, A (1992) ‘Managing your team’, Piatkus Wilkinson, A (1998) ‘Empowerment: theory and practice’, Personnel Review; Volume 27 No. 1

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis Of External And Internal Environment Marketing Essay

Analysis Of External And Internal Environment Marketing Essay A small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales. Small businesses are normally privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships. Every business which starts with the small capital, few members of staff and management, don’t have much branches in other areas, town or country will be called as small businesses. Small businesses often have the vision of expansion, invest more capitalisation as well as profit maximisation. Here I am taking about Fried chicken shop which is necessary to UK people. This fried chicken shop name is western fried chicken. Executive Summary: The marketing plan of Western Fried Chicken focuses on their current positioning and the effects of repositioning themselves by launching Halal Fried Chicken. With its launch, they’d also be in the list of one of the â€Å"Halal† food suppliers in UK. The main idea is to offer Halal fried chicke n in western style as well as with a few amendments in the recipe by making it spicy to make it appealing to its extended target audience i.e. Muslims that reside in United Kingdom. The reason being Muslims prefer a slightly more spicy food than the western food. The repositioning of the brand is targeted towards the extension of its target audience by allowing access to another target group i.e. a profitable population of Muslims from all over the world, living in UK. There is a high tendency of its success as Western Fried Chicken is already liked by its existing target audience and gets good reviews if anyone is a big fan of scrumptious chicken, chips and even juicy burgers. The consumers prefer WFC more than one of its giant competitors i.e. KFC. The Buzz marketing effect would be one of the best and cost free methods of promoting their chicken. The Challenge The food industry is a mammoth industry in UK and since there is a busy lifestyle, people prefer fast food take – away rather than going for fine dining. In order to survive in the food industry where there is cut throat competition with over 1, 000 individual brands and 1,700 outlets, WFC has to offer something exceptional to its existing target audience in order to retain them and also attract new ones by enabling Muslims to be carefree regarding the Halal meat and focus on providing them something according to their preferences and taste. A little effort on consumer research should be put in, in order to know about their preferences and ultimately provide better end results to them and remove chances of consumer disgust. Vision: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To establish a world class brand. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To be the leading and fastest growing fast food chain in UK. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To be synonymous with quality and profitability. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To bring innovative products and business models to customers. Mission: Providing a hot juice burger, hot testy fried wings and chips. Providing a customer nice environment and nice service. Analysis of external and internal environment of the company: EXTERNAL environment:

Sunday, July 28, 2019

'There is more to volunteering than just doing unpaid work' Discuss Essay

'There is more to volunteering than just doing unpaid work' Discuss - Essay Example iduals who stand up to volunteer are themselves members of the community, and eventually derive a benefit which, although not financial, extends to them in some way along with the to rest of society. In the Unites States, for example, it has been estimated that services provided by volunteering teenagers contribute more than 34 billion dollars to the U.S. economy (Gay, 2004, p. 2). Alcock (2004, p 4) shows that charitable and voluntary action were considered essential components of the welfare state by the Government, as long ago as 1909. People volunteer for many different reasons. The most obvious reason is to give back to society - volunteering seems tied to the concept of moral duty to help with a good cause. However, the time, resources and efforts spent on volunteering are often significant, and altruism alone is not the only motivating force for a person willing to work for a cause without financial gain. Volunteering can involve rewards other than financial, and people choose to volunteer for many different reasons. For example, volunteering can include activities or consequences that have significant value in the person’s life. A person who is attached to animals may volunteer at a shelter for stray cats. For this person, the emotional satisfaction gained by tending to the animals, ensuring their care and safety, would have more significance the same time spent working and earning a few extra dollars. For many volunteers, this activity is the best means for them to socialize with people of similar interests. For example, Oxfam used young volunteers interested in music to recruit local young musicians and raise money for charity through concerts – the activity gave the volunteers a channel to put their passion for music to a good cause (Mahony, 2007). Volunteering is in some cases, very inherently associated with financial gains. A student hoping to land a job at a particular firm would, for example, choose to volunteer and spend his spare time

Review of Academic Journal Articles on Management Essay

Review of Academic Journal Articles on Management - Essay Example Review of the first article Human resource management is thought of as a recent development which is directed at reshaping the relationships of employees. It can be considered as a tool that has replaced the conventional traditions in the field of management like industrial relations and personnel management. Human resource management is an evolving field that tackles complexities in the organizations. Human resource management is characterized as hard or soft because of its association with the business performance and strategy that has caused a thematic divide between the practices grounded in conventional methods such as personnel management and the modern management of human resource. Ivo (2006) wrote an article to explore the best perspectives about the field of human resource management. In the first section of the article, the author has made an attempt to generate a holistic understanding of the field of human resource management on the basis of various perspectives in manage ment. The author has fundamentally identified three systems of management to achieve this, namely closed or scientific management, semi open system or human relations, and the contingency system or the open system. In the second section, the author has tried to interpret human resource management in the form of a framework by thinking of it as a style. This interpretation makes it easy to perceive the hard and soft type of human resource management stylized as the utilitarian instrumentalism and developmental humanism respectively. The second section basically discusses human resource management in terms of a new discipline of management, a restatement of personnel management, a strategic function or a management discipline that is resource based. In the third section, the author has assessed the effect of human resource management upon the strategy, performance and outcome with the help of the Michigan, Harvard, Choice and Guest models. The author highlights the merits of the Choic e model for effective management of human resource. The fourth section considers senior manager in the role of a choice maker. To achieve this, the author has made use of the Japanese model of human resource management. The fifth section constitutes the conclusion in which the author has recapitulated the use of human resource management in the contemporary market as advocated by the literature. For the purpose of understanding the perceptions of human resource management, the researcher has primarily conducted a comprehensive literature review in which, he has studied and compared the findings of past researches. Finally, the author has summarized the research findings. The field of human resource management is very wide and researchers need to explore various aspects of it in order to generate a sound understanding for use by human resource professionals. Although the effects of human resource management on employment and value creation have been sufficiently studied, there is lit tle knowledge about the characteristics and developmental strategies of human resource management. The findings of research conducted by Ivo (2006) are very useful for the IHRM practice in the real world. The author has particularly placed huge emphasis on the comparison between human resource management and the conventional management practices that have been in place for decades like personnel management. Obtaining correct understanding of human resource

Saturday, July 27, 2019

E-procurement and diffusion of innovation theory and Rogerss model Thesis

E-procurement and diffusion of innovation theory and Rogerss model - Thesis Example This research will begin with the statement that procurement is one of the most crucial aspects of any organization. In general term, it is defined as the process of purchasing goods and materials at a proper time at the best affordable price. E-procurement involves using the internet and other web-based technologies as a tool for procurement. The success of this technique in the private sector has also aroused considerable interests among the public sector organizations with regards to adopting and implementing e-Procurement in their business process. In a typical e-Procurement process, an organization purchases goods and materials from suppliers by using the internet as a medium. E-procurement processes are characterized by the presence of e-marketplaces which is a platform that brings suppliers and buyers together. E-marketplaces also have the option of a reverse auction where competitive bidding can be undertaken for procuring a particular material. The process of e-Procurement i nvolves the following steps namely: Review of various suppliers Compiling documents related to ‘Request for Quotations’ Â  Sending out ‘Request for Quotations’ Revisions and resending related to ‘Request for Quotations’ Receiving proposals of RFQ’s Compiling and evaluating response Review of bids Narrowing down on the list of bidders Negotiations Selecting the winning bid.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Financial & Budgetary Management. Planning Business Performance Essay

Financial & Budgetary Management. Planning Business Performance - Essay Example A budget is a report statement of management’s plans for a specific time period expressed in financial terms (Weygant & Kieso & Kimmel, 2002, p.982). The purpose of this report is to describe the important of a budgeting function and the way it can easily implanted into a business information system. A budget is created to meet the desired timeframe a manager desires. The period of time a budget is created for is a one year accounting period, which is typically aligned with the company fiscal year or the natural year. A budget is an extremely valuable tool that provides decision makers with many advantages. Some of these advantages include; Budgeting is based on the amount of expected economic resources a firm estimates it will generate. Sales are the main source of economic incentive for companies. A budget is created in order to determine the resources need to create the target sales total. The value of a lot of business variables are determined based on expected revenue outcomes. The amount of material purchases, labor requirements, machinery upgrades, information system maintenance among other factors are determined based on an annual budget of a corporation. Budgets are associated with the responsibility centers such as cost centers, profit centers and investment centers. The return on investment of an investment center is studied based on the investment budget which allows the owner to create different profit forecast by manipulating the data from the budget of the investment project. The evaluation that takes place utilizing budgets is data that can be trust if it meets the basic performance standards: Accountability provides budgets with the credibility among professionals since it ensures the system is protected from material error. Accountability is one of many qualities that ensure the quality of the information in the budgeting system. Timeliness, authority, objectivity and accuracy are other variable that ensure quality information is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19

Reading Response - Essay Example Deuchler believes that it is possible to balance between literacy and other vital domestic chores amongst women. Although the author expects transformation of the women from Choson dynasty in terms of their cultural believes, they still stick to their traditions. Deuchler explains that the effect of dynastic transitions did not alternate the rules that affected women as was the case with the women of Choson dynasty and gives example with Chinese women. The author believed that despite the grasp of classical literature and transitional changes of dynasty the primary role of women as wives still remained vital1. Deuchler highlights some key elite women such as Yunjingdang and Saimdang who did exceptionally well both with their grasp of classical literature, calligraphic painting and outstanding dedication management of the household2. The sources used have greatly added value to the writing by providing examples that have helped in authenticating the topic of discussion. The author got the information from the source cited below and the main intention was to highlight the fact that a woman can effectively balance her duty as a wife with talents and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why does privatization seem to be more successful in some countries Essay

Why does privatization seem to be more successful in some countries than in others Use some examples of your choice to illustrate your argument - Essay Example As privatization of state-owned enterprises becomes a common phenomenon in the globalizing world, it must be remembered that privatization is not equally carried out among countries. Countries differ as far as privatization is concerned and this has resulted into some countries realizing profound success as compared to other countries. Therefore, different factors interplay and operate in the wider environment with regard to specific country as far as privatization is concerned. Unsuccessful privatization has largely been associated with developing states as compared to developed states (Boulle 2009). Different varying but common factors have been provided for this. In most states that have realized unsuccessful results with regard to privatization has been associated with political and institutional factors that normally complicate the success of implementing goals of privatization. These political factors are captured in aspects such as corruption; manipulation of regulation agencies; limited technological expertise; and weak auditing, accounting, and tax systems (Boulle 2009). On their part Kikeri, Nellis and Shirley (1994) identify two categories of factors that make privatization successful (Boubakri and Cosset 1999). According to the authors country’s conditions and market conditions combine to dictate the success or failure of any privatization initiative. Accordingly, the country conditions that lead to successful privatization include open t rade regime, stable and predictable environment for investment and enhancement of a developed institutional and regulatory capacity (Boubakri and Cosset 1999). On the other hand, market conditions congregate around creation of an environment that is competitive which also promotes efficiency (Boubakri and Cosset 1999). In addition, market conditions need to promote and make it effectively for tradable goods and services to be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Adidas Marketing Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Adidas Marketing Project - Essay Example The tutor commented that she did not require the group members to give definitions for the 4 Ps in marketing but rather give marketing objectives and how to carry out promotions. She said the group should work towards giving more details about promotions and be objective in the presentation. Group members worked on the comments and included the details that and earlier been excluded so as to provide more details about promotions and marketing objectives. The course work imparted marketing research skills and knowledge on how to design and write posters. Under the 4 Ps, the paper looked into pricing, promotions, place, and the product. It also touched a little bit on the other 4 Ps but not deeply. The work had several advantages which included more details about 4 Ps, good poster design and structure and thus easy to understand. Any marketing executive would be impressed by the quality of the poster as it was highly informative and communicated effectively and efficiently. The disadvantage in the findings included a lack of market share which was very evident from the data used. The second disadvantage is that data used was neither current nor recent. The data used was three years old and thus did not give a true representation of the current marketing situation. Some of the most important factors were the product itself and the pricing strategies. These two factors are highly considered when developing a marketing plan. A product will be successful in the market if it is of good quality and its price is competitive.

Conflict Management Styles Essay Example for Free

Conflict Management Styles Essay Conflict usually occurs when individuals within a group or organization has differences in opinions. When individuals are in a disagreement about something like policies and procedures or even the overall direction of which an organization or company is heading it can become very frustrating. As we all know conflict the process of conflict usually begins when an individual or party has perceived the other part and it has showed a negative impact or will affect something that another party cares about. According to the readings in Chapter 15 the early approach of conflict saw that all conflict was labeled to be bad. Conflict then had a negative vibe and was used often to be linked with such terms as violence, destruction, or irrationality as reinforcement to its negative association. There are several types of conflict from the integrationist point of view that includes functional and dysfunctional conflict. Functional conflict usually arises during when the goals of a group are supported and the performance rises. On the other hand dysfunctional conflict is conflicts that hinder the performance of the group as a whole. The conflict process consists of five stages that include potential opposition, incompatibility, cognition and personalization, intentions, behaviors, and outcomes. In my workplace the most common form of conflict management is potential opposition and incompatibility. I have worked for Viking Range Corporation for 10 years now and I enjoy my work there. My Supervisor is always open for communication but this is one of the most vital parts that bring about conflict in my organization. Most of the times communication plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the company. Communication is the biggest problem that we have as a whole throughout the facility because there always seem to be conflict that arises between departments on part outages, and department personnel. Conflict is something we can’t avoid whether at home or at the workplace. Conflict will be present in just about every human interaction that we come across and this can make the strategies that we use for conflict management very important. According to (Conflict Management Home-versus-work) â€Å"Conflict management strategies vitally increase the performance and effectiveness of an individual and in turn the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. † I am an individual that can’t handle or try to avoid conflict. I have been a part of a lot of confrontations and I try to avoid them at all costs. â€Å"In the same article Rahim and Bonama’s (1979) categorization of the styles of settling interpersonal conflict is based on two facades, first when a person considers himself and his own concerns and the second when a person considers others and the concerns of others. Their styles for handling conflict include an integrating style in which a person considers his style and the styles of others. Secondly would be the avoiding style in which the individual has no concerns for their self as well as others. Thirdly would be obliging in which the individual posses a concern for others but not himself. The next one is the dominating style in which the individual has high concerns for himself for low concerns for others. Lastly we have the compromising style in which the individual possess some consideration for himself and some for others. I can relate more to the dominating style because in my organization every department is usually out for themselves meaning they like to maintain a high standard by any means. However, one thing that I have learned that is being a part of the business world there will always be some form of conflict and differences of opinions will arise so it is best to handle the situation immediately. By acknowledging that there is conflict present and communication has come to a standstill we can decrease the problems that unsolved conflict can bring about in any organization. One way that we deal with conflict in our organization is by acknowledging the goals of each department as well as the employees. The Supervisor over our department does not handle conflict well and he tries to avoid any altercations at all costs. With me being next in line he will usually push things of this nature off for me to handle. I often deal with the situations by bringing the employees into the office to see what the problem is in forms of communication and what caused the problem to begin with. I have tried to encourage my Supervisor to deal with situations in the future before they occur and he has taken steps on his own to deal with situations where he sense conflict. He can actually sense when there is a lack of communication and conflict is about to arise so he stops it before it starts by bringing both individuals into the office to try and get to the root of the problem before something major happens. This same occurrence can happen between male and female management personnel that can’t seem to see eye to eye and have issues that lead to conflict. According to (Conflict Management Modes and Leadership Styles) â€Å"most individual characteristics have an impact on the instruments analyzed, for example: younger managers are more task-oriented, while older managers are typically relationship- oriented and avoid conflicts, women are more collaborative and avoid conflicts less and men tend to use the accommodating mode more than women. â€Å"Rather surprisingly, according to our survey, women appear to be more competitive than men. The compromising style of conflict matches my personal preference tremendously, because I can relate to this style in my organization on a day to day basis. Being in my field of work there will always be a competition between the male and female employees as well as male and female management personnel. I look at this as something that will be unavoidable because there will always be a power struggle between the genders. So I try to look at things from a bigger perspective and consider both parties involved because there will always be differences in opinions.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Beyond Bourgeois Gentrification Essay Example for Free

Beyond Bourgeois Gentrification Essay We’ve all seen those new work-live artist loft spaces in the remodeled industrial complexes next to the new galleries, cafes and office buildings that used to be factories, low-income housing tenements or warehouses. They look chic and modern while still trying to maintain their urban appeal. However, what does gentrification mean in our post-industrial urban society and how should we address its contradictory standing? According to the PBS special Flag Wars: What is Gentrification, it is the â€Å"general term for the arrival of wealthier people in an existing urban district, a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the districts character and culture (Grant). In this vein, we can read gentrification from two perspectives. The first would be from the point of view of the newly arrived ‘wealthier people’ who see this process as an investment in urban renewal that brings down crime rates and increases the economic cultural capital of what was once a neglected and impoverished neighborhood. On the other hand, gentrification as seen from the perspective of the original community is thought of as another form of economic and geographic discrimination and exclusion due to the increase in rent and property values as well as the overall cost of living. The issue of urban displacement results in an unbalanced benefit for the already economically advantaged. UNESCO recently published an article concerning this contradiction: â€Å"Building projects become the centre piece of the city’s economy, justified by job creation, taxes, tourism and the building of large cultural complexes† (Smith). What makes this such a divisive issue and halts community building is that much of the new investment comes from the social class that fled to the suburbs during the white-flight era of urbanization. After fleeing to the suburbs due to a discomfort of having to live so close to other racial and ethnic populations, there is now a distrust of the new inhabitants by the pre-existing urban population who are being forced out of their own neighborhoods. So we must ask ourselves how we can overcome this contradictory social movement in a way that will be mutually beneficial to all involved parties. The best way to accomplish this would be to invite community dialogue in an effort to address all sides of the issue. An interesting study put out by the Urban Institute echoes this sentiment. They emphasize the need for â€Å"strategies used by nonprofit organizations, for-profit developers, and city agencies to ensure low- to-moderate-income residents can live in revitalizing and gentrifying neighborhoods† (Levy). This is essential in order make sure that all voices can be heard so that more than just money talks. If this can be done, urban renewal can be embraced and cultural diversity can flourish in a vibrant new community based on shared principles and the exchange of different ideas. We must abandon the notion that gentrification is either positive or negative, as many people have argued in the past. Gentrification is a social process that affects us all differently depending on our own cultural context. That being the case, let us open the discussion to the public at large so that everyone has an equal say in how their community will develop. Urban transformation is a constant presence that we need to shape into a vision of the future that we would all like to live in. References Grant, Benjamin. (2003). What is Gentrification?. PBS Flag Wars. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from http://www. pbs. org/pov/pov2003/flagwars/special Levy, Diane, Comey, Jennifer, Padilla, Sandra. (2006). In the Face of Gentrification. Urban Institute. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from http://www. urban. org/publications/411294. html Smith, Neil. (2007). From Gentrification to Forced Eviction – how should economic competitiveness be reconciled with social sustainability in historical districts?. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from http://portal. unesco. org/shs/en/ev. php

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Causes of Luminescence and Chemiluminescence

Causes of Luminescence and Chemiluminescence 1.1. Luminescence Phenomena Luminescence is the phenomenon of emission of electromagnetic radiation in excess of thermal radiation. The radiation is usually in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, however, since the same basic processes may yield infrared or ultra violet radiation. Luminescence is observed with all phases of matter: gases, liquids and solids both organic and inorganic[1]. Luminescence is an umbrella term for those kinds of events where light emission is not the result of high temperature. In fact with increasing temperature the competing nonradiative de – excitation processes become more probable and the intensity of the luminescent emission decreases. Luminescence in living organisms has been reported as far back as 1500 BC. In Chinese literature, the best known examples being the emission of light from fireflies and glow – worms[2, 3]. 1.1.1Types of Luminescence Classification according to the means by which energy is supplied to excite the luminescent molecule[4-8].Table 1.1 Table (1-1):- Different types of luminescence phenomena Excitation source Luminescence type Produced from irradiation Absorption of Uv-vis or near IR radiation. (Conversion of light energy to chemical energy). Photoluminescence Emission produced from irradiation of ÃŽ ² particles. Cathodoluminescence Emission produced from irradiation of ÃŽ ± particle. Anodoluminescence Radiation-induced chemical excitation (irradiation of ÃŽ ³ particles. Radiodoluminescence Produced from heating. Emission from incandescent solids Candoluminescence Caused by solid subjected to mild heating. Thermoluminescence Flame-excited metal atoms Pyroluminescence Produced from structural rearrangements in solids Emission from shaking, rubbing, or crushing crystals. Triboluminescence Emission from crystallization. Crystalloluminescence Excitation induced from dissolution of an irradiated or other energy-donating solid. Lyoluminescence Produced from electrical phenomena. Radiative recombination of electrons and holes in material (emission from electrical discharge) Electroluminescence Emission during electrolysis Galvanoluminescence Excitation of compounds by ultra-sonication. Sonoluminescence Emission from fractional charge separation at the crystal surface. Piezoluminescence Produced from chemical reactions Emission from luminous organisms. Bioluminescence Chemical excitation of compounds. Chemiluminescence 1.2. Chemiluminescence The term chemiluminescence (CL.) was first coined by Eilhardt Weidman in 1888. Chemiluminescence is defined as the production of electromagnetic radiation observed when a chemical reaction yields an electronically excited intermediate or product. CL-reactions emit light of varying degrees of intensity and lifetime. With colors that spare the visible spectrum [9-11]. Analytically, the CL-reactions are attractive due to: excellent detection limits results from the absence of source of noise and scattering, suitable to both batch and flow techniques highly sensitive, determinable over a wide range of concentrations, easy to operate, simplicity, absence of unwanted background so the only background signal is that of the PMT dark current and no excitation source or optical filters are required as compared to other optical or photo luminescence methods [12, 13]. However, some disadvantages are to be considered as well; A chemiluminescence reagent may yield significant emission not just for one unique analyte i.e. a lack of selectivity may occur. Moreover, chemiluminescence emission intensities are sensitive to a variety of environmental factors such as temperature, solvent, ionic strength, pH and other species present in the system. As a result, a separation condition (HPLC, capillary electrophoresis (CE), may not always match the optimum CL-emission conditions. Third, as the emission intensity from a CL-reaction varies with time,light flash composed of signal increase after reagent mixing, passing through a maximum, then decreasing back to the base – line, thus the CL- emission versus time profile differs from one compound to another and care has to be taken to detect the signal in the flowing stream during strictly defined periods [14].chemiluminescence technique is versatile for determination of a wide variety of species that can participate in the CL-reaction such as; CL-substrates or CL-precursors responsible for the excited state [15], the necessary reagent for the CL-reactions (usually an oxidant) [16] , some species that enhance the rate or sensitivity of the CL-reaction[17] ,activators such as catalysts (enzymes[18] or metal ions[19] CL. analysis found a wide application not only in the organic technology, medicine, food testing, but also in environmental monitoring and material science [20-24]. CL-reactions can be coupled as a detection technique [25] in chromatography [26, 27], capillary electrophoresis [28-30], or immunoassay, providing qualitative and / or quantitative information [31, 32]. 1.2.1. Mechanisms of Chemiluminescence Reaction Figure (1-2) shows the types of the CL-reaction mechanisms. In general CL-reactions can be generated by two basis mechanisms: Figure (1-2):- Types of CL-reactions. P, product; F, fluorescing substance Direct CL-reactions: a substrate (A) and an oxidant (B) in the presence of cofactors react to form an intermediate product in an electronically excited state which relaxes to the ground state with a photon emission. The catalyst is an enzyme or metal ions, reduces the activation energy and provides an adequate environment for producing high CL-efficiency out of the process.Cofactors sometimes are necessary to convert one or more of the substrates into a form capable of reacting and interacting with the catalyst,or to provide an efficient leaving group if bond cleavage is required to produce the excited emitter [33]. An alternative for compounds producing ultra-weak CL-emission is: Indirect or sensitized CL reactions: Since not all excited states of CL-reactions products are effective â€Å"emitters† in any case, thus the excited state energy can be transferred to an â€Å" effective â€Å" flourophore added to the system, in –order to increase the CL-intensity substantially . The most salient asset of chemical excitation is the low background noise involved, which results in very low detection limits (in the sub femtomole of region) [34,35]. Enhanced CL- reactions (ECL): describes the phenomenon which has been observed in a wide range of chemi and bioluminescence reactions. Enhancement of light emission from the luminol-hydrogen peroxide reaction at alkaline pH has been achieved by the addition of various organic compounds generally containing oxonium group. Enhancement of CL. Reaction led to intense light emission, prolonged light emission and low background[36]. Spontaneous light emission during reaction requires the presence of the following conditions[37]: The reaction must be highly exothermic (40-70 kcal/mole) in order that the CL-reaction occurred in the visible region (400 nm (violet) – 750nm (red). These exothermic conditions associated with redox reactions using Oxygen, Ozone andhydrogen peroxide or similar potential oxidants. The reaction pathway must be a favorable to channel the energy for the formation of an electronically excited state. Photon emission must be favorable deactivation process of the excited product in relation to other competitive non-radiative processes that may appear in low proportion. There are several ways for an electronically excited state species to lose its extra energy, either by reacting with another molecule, molecular dissociation, and collision with its surrounding molecules or luminescence. In the latter case it can react to liberate sufficient energy to produce photon of visible light, figure (1-3). Figure (1-3):-possible de-excitation pathways of excited molecule 1.2.2. Main Chemiluminescence-systems for analytical processes Gas- phase chemiluminescence reactions. The development of Chemiluminescence Methods for determining components of a gas is largely originated from the need to determine atmospheric pollutants such as Ozone, Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur compounds[45, 46].The best known and most frequently used is the reaction of nitrogen oxide withOzone.CL-NOXanalyzers have been shown to respond to a number of nitrogenous pollutants besides NO and NO2. [40].Some analytical methods based on CL- reactions have been proposed for the determination of sulfur monoxide and unsaturated hydrocarbons such as Alkenes, alkynes and aromatics at high temperature,several of these are as follows[41-44]. NO+ O3NO2* + O2NO2 + hÃŽ ½(600-2800 nm)(1) (2) (3) Oxygen atoms also been applied as strong oxidants when reacted with a wide range of analyst, although not so frequently used. The reaction with nitric oxide produces a yellow- green CL-emission that has been used for measuring concentration of Oxygen atoms in kinetics experiments[45]. (4) Some CL. Reactions are based on the light emission produced in flame, rather than the cold CL-emission. Molecular emission cavity analysis (MECA) is a CL-technique in which molecular emission are generated within a cavity that is introduced into a hydrogen diffusion flame. This flame acts as the environments of radicals, atoms and molecules which promote the chemical reactions (i.e. high temperature of flame promote of chemical reactions that form key reaction intermediates and provide additional thermal excitation of the emitting species).The cavity acts as the environment for stabilizing the emitting species. MECA has been used for selective detection of compounds containing sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorous, antimony, arsenic,.Tin and halogens [46-54]. Liquid- phase chemiluminescence reactions There are some well – established CL-reagents that have been used for solution – phase CL-reactions, their attraction include high sensitivity, wide dynamic range and simplicity [55].The Chemiluminescence of luminal and the cyclic hydrazides of aromatic and heterocyclic acids is one of the classical and still studied in CL-reactions [56]. Although hydrazides in general are Chemiluminescent, onlyhydrazides related to luminol (5 – aminophthalyhydrazide) can be considered the most commonly used. The CL. of luminol was first described by Albrecht in 1928. This compound reacts with potent oxidizing agents in the presence of catalyst in alkaline medium to yield 3 – amino phthalate in an excited electronic state which returned to the ground state; with the production ofblue emission at 425 nm.The reaction is catalyzed by metal ions.Alternatively, it has been proposed that the metal ion forms a complex with the hydrazide which is then oxidized[57–59]. Lophin(2,4,5 – triphenylimidazole) is the most representative of the imidazole CL-precursors . A yellow CL-emission is produced at 525 nm. by oxidation of Luphin in aqueous alkaline mediums[60]. Lucigenine(10, 10 dimethyl – 9, 9 -biascridiniumnitrate) is one of the most efficient CL-substances which emit an intense green emission at 470 nm. When oxidized in an alkaline medium [61]. In relation to indirect CL., one of the more efficient non – biological system that are used is based on and so – called peroxy oxalate CL-reaction (PO – CL ) which involves the hydrogen peroxide oxidation of an aryl oxalate ester in the presence of a fluorophore .Bis–( 2,4,6 – trichloro phenyl )oxalate (TCPO) and bis – ( 2,4– dinitro phenyl ) oxalate (DNPO ) are commonly used oxalates. These compounds are insoluble in water which requires the use of organic solvents such as acetonitrilies ,dioxane and ethyl acetate [62]. Another CL-system frequently applied involves the use of Ru [bpy]3+2 which produces an orange emission at 610 nm.From the excited state (Ru [bpy]3+2)* that can be obtained by different reactions which imply electron transfer and regeneration of Ru[bpy ]3+2 species. Recently , the higher CL-emission generated by a similar complex , Ru[phen]3+2(phen = 1,10 – phenanthroline) during oxidation ofRu [bpy ]3+2 by Ce(IV) in sulfuric acid medium Ru [bpy]3+2 is the most studied as an inorganic compound used in electro generated CL (ECL)[60,63]. Phase Chemiluminescence [35]. Some polymers exhibit weak CL. in the visible range when heated up in the presence of inert gas (air or oxygen). For the first time this phenomenon was observed by Ashby in 1961, from polypropylene. Emission of light during oxidation of polymers is called oxy- luminescence or oxychemiluminescence. And for CL. of polymers to be observed, oxygen must be present in the process. 1.2.3.Electro Generated Chemiluminescence (ECL) ECL : is the process in accordance with which , species generated at electrodes undergo high – energy electron – transfer reactions to form excited states that emit light , it occurs in the visible region of spectrum as a consequence of fast and highly exo-energetic electron . Transfer between a strong electron donor and electronacceptor which in turn results in generation of excited states [7].In general, electrically generated reactants diffuse from one or more electrodes, and undergo high – energy electron transfer reactions either with one other or with chemicals in solution. This process yields excited state molecules, which produce a CL- emission in the vicinity of the electrode surface. Application of ECL have almost exclusively focused on the reaction of tris(2, 2 – bipyridire) ruthenium Ru[bpy]3+2 the reaction takes place at room temperature . Wide pH range and in the presence of oxygen and many other impurities[64].Ru [bpy]3+2 itself can undergo electron transfer reactions to produce ECL as follows [65]. Luminol can undergo an ECL reaction due to its versatility in analytical determinations. in alkaline solution luminol anion undergoes a single electron electro-oxidation to form diazaquinine , which is further oxidized by peroxide or super oxide to give 3 – amino phthalate in an excited state , which emits light at 425 nm . Luminol ECL has been used for determination of species such as phenyl alanine, ibuprofen and hisidine [9]. 1.3. Fluorescence Photoluminescence becomes visible as optical radiation accompanied by the emission of photon depending on the duration of the phenomenon, i.e. life time of the excited state. Fluorescence is the spontaneous emission of light during transition of the system from its lowest vibrational energy level of an excited singlet state S1 back to the ground state S0,thus it’s a spin allowed process. Absorption and fluorescence don’t require any spin reorientation however; intersystem crossing and phosphorescence require a spin reorientation therefore; absorbance and fluorescence are much faster than phosphorescence. The processes that occur between the absorption and emission of light are usually illustrated by Jobalonski diagram [66, 67]; figure (1-4). Figure (1-4):- Perrin- Jobalonski diagram and illustration of the relative positions of absorption (Abs), fluorescence (F), andphosphorescence (Ph.) Fluorescence is the result of three stages process that occurs in certain molecules called fluorophores [67]. Excitation: a photon is supplied by an external source and absorbed by the fluorophore creating an excited electronic singlet state S1. This stage distinguishes fluorescence from chemiluminescence, in which the excited state is populated by a chemical reaction. State life time:fluorescence life time is typically 1-10 Nano sec. during this time the fluorophore undergoes conformational changes and is also subjected to a multitude of possible interactions with its molecular environment such as collisional quenching and intersystem crossing. Fluorescence emission: when a photon of energy is emitted returning the fluorophore to the ground stat S0. Figure (1-5) shows these three stages. Figure (1-5):- three stages of fluorescence emission process 1.3.1. Characteristics of fluorescence emission [68-70] Emission spectra are typically independent of the excitation wave length due to the partial dissipation of excitation energy during the excited state life time, this known as Kasha’s rule. The emission intensity is proportional to the amplitude of the fluorescence excitation spectrum at the excitation wavelength; figure (1-6). Figure (1-6):- emission spectra are typically independent of the excitation wavelength Stokes shift: due to the energy dissipation during the excited state life time, the energy of this photon is lower and therefore; of longer wavelength than the excitation photon (i.e.fluorescence light is a red-shift). This difference in energy or wavelength is known as stokes shift.† The difference in wavelength between positions of the band maxima of the absorption and emission spectra of the same electronic transition; figure (1-7). Solvent effects and excited state reactions can also affect the magnitude of stokes shift. Figure (1-7):-stokes shift of band maxima E = hÃŽ ½ = hÃâ€"c / ÃŽ » (1) h = Planck constant = 6.63 Ãâ€" 10-34 J.sec-1 c = light velocity ÃŽ ½ = light frequency Sec-1 or Hz ÃŽ » = wave length nm. Absorption energy EAbs.= hÃâ€"c / ÃŽ »Abs. (2) Emission energy Eem.= hÃâ€"c / ÃŽ »em. (3) Since: EemAbs. (4)so: ÃŽ »em.>ÃŽ »Abs (5) ÃŽ »em.,ÃŽ »Abs: emission and absorption spectra peaks respectively. When absorption and/or the emission spectra of a flourophore possess two or more bands, stokes shift is equal to the difference that separates the two most intense bands of the two spectra, figure (1-8). Figure (1-8):-stokes shift in a flourophore possess two bands If thermal energy is added to an excited state or compound has many highly populated vibrational energy levels, emission at shorter wavelengths than those of absorption occurs, this is called an anti-stokes shift and its often observed in dilute gasses at high temperatures. A key feature of fluorescence is the molecule spends a measurable Amount of time in the singlet state. Fluorescence life time refers to the average time that the molecule stays in its excited state before emitting a photon for fluorescence; it’s typically in the range (1-10 nsec.). Fluorescence radiant power (F) is proportional to the absorbed radiant power. F = É ¸ (P0 – P) - (6) É ¸: Fluorescence efficiency. P0: incident power. P: transmitted power. The relationship between the absorbed radiant power and concentration can be obtained from beers law P/P0 = 10-A- (7) P = P0 Ãâ€" 10-Ɇºbc - (8)F = É ¸ P0 (1–10-Ɇºbc)- (9) Structural factors. Fluorescence is expected in molecules that are aromatic or multiple conjugated double bonds with a high degree of resonance stability, it’s also expected with poly cyclic aromatic

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

ANALYSIS OF YANBU CEMENT COMPANY AND IS PRODUCT Name Institution History of YANBU Cement Company YANBU Cement Company is a joint stock Saudi company formed in the year 1977. It produces different kinds of cement such as the Portland cement and the Portland Pozzolan Cement. The company owns about 60% of Yanbu Saudi Kuwait for Paper Products Co. Limited. The company currently has a capacity of 22,500 tpd per day. The company sells most of its products in Makka and Madina and other Western regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company operates in the rapidly growing Saudi cement industry. Saudi Arabia is the third largest producer of cement after Iran and Egypt. Product, features and history Cement is a finely ground compound of limestone and clay or marl (Chandigarh, 2001). It is used in hydraulic binding since it hardens and binds together aggregates and becomes waterproof thereafter. The most popular use of sand is in building and construction where it is used to bind sand and gravel to obtain concrete used in constructing houses, roads, water channels, among others. Yanbu Cement company produces different types of cement such as Portland cement types I, II, III and IV. Effects of changing prices and other factors Changing prices Yanbu operates in a highly competitive industry with several well-established cement manufacturers. Its main competitors include Saudi Cement, Yanama Cement, Arabian Cement, Qassim Cement, Al Safwa cement, among other cement companies. By the year 2010, Yanbu had the second largest cement production capacity after Saudi Cement. The price charged for each bag of cement is a major determinant of demand for a company’s cement in the market. According to the law of demand, m... ... has contributed to higher volumes of production. Saudi Arabia is endowed with large deposits of limestone making it a suitable location for cement manufacturing. Proximity to the source of raw materials also reduces the transport cost. Finally, government policy influences the supply of cement. A price ceiling on cement leads to a reduction in cement supplied in the domestic market and an increase in the quantity exported. An export ban restricts cement manufacturers to supply their products to the domestic market. In addition, government control is effected through issuance of licenses to cement manufacturers. The cement industry had been dominated by eight companies but this has changed with the issuance of licenses to additional seven companies. An increase in the number of firms licensed to manufacture cement leads to an increase in the supply of cement.

Profiling an Entrepreneur :: Business Management

Profiling an Entrepreneur Psychological profiling has become a science within law enforcement. The behavioral patterns of individuals have been categorized by age, sex, race, national origin and birth order just to name a few. Some people are great leaders, organizers, workers, and followers, but the entrepreneur remains as one of the most elusive psychological profiles in the world. Everyone can point to an entrepreneur, but psychologists have had trouble profiling an entrepreneur.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As referenced in the Journal of Managerial Psychology 5.2 in a research article written by Chad Perry entitled After Further Sightings of the Heffalump, the entrepreneur is compared to the Heffalump, a mythical creature, that as â€Å"He has not yet been caught and, indeed, we may still lack a reliable description of what he looks like,† he avoids description by those who are not entrepreneurs. This research was conducted to test the 1971 hypothesis of Kilby, that the entrepreneur still lacks descriptive profiling. (Perry, 1990, pg.22) The problem arises from the fact that psychologists are as psychologically disparate from the entrepreneur, as humans are from the Heffalump. An accurate profile is beyond the capacity of psychologists to describe. That is because normal human emotions cannot be interchanged with the psychological makeup of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are born with inherit traits that defy normal human emotions. They can feel a coarse of action in business, much like a composer can feel a symphony before he hears the final score. The article by Chad Perry was able to discuss variations within the sub-categories of entrepreneurs, as to small business owners versus those who have taken their companies to the next step, such as a public stock offering called an IPO. I am uniquely aware of the entrepreneurial spirit, as my father is such a person. I work with him in his business of selling beds. I see his style and his work ethic of 10 hours a day, seven days a week.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Show how these poets illustrate different aspects of love in their Essa

Show how these poets illustrate different aspects of love in their poems. How do the poets communicate thoughts and feelings by the words and the images they use? The poems I have read are: Porphyria's Lover; by Robert Browning, The Lady Of Shalott; by Alfred Lord Tennyson, The Eve Of St. Agnes; by John Keats, A Trampwoman's Tragedy; by Thomas Hardy. A. - It is evident that in the four poems I have read, there are different aspects of love shown in each. In 'Porphyria's Lover', Browning puts across some rather dark kinds of love; obsessive, jealous and possessive love. I use the word dark, because in the poem, a clearly insane man kills his lover Porphyria, to secure all her love for himself, "And give herself to me forever". The man is besotted with Porphyria, but in an extremely selfish way. He thinks that she is seeing someone else, so he kills her to preserve her love for him forever, "That moment she was mine, mine, fair, Perfectly pure and good: I found A thing to do, and all her hair In one long yellow string I wound Three times her little throat around, And strangled her." This theme of tainted love is continued in 'A Trampwoman's Tragedy', with jealous love also occurring in this poem. The trampwoman's boyfriend became jealous after she started to flirt with 'jeering' John. Consequently, the boyfriend stabbed and killed John. "Then up he sprung, and with his knife - And with his knife He let out jeering Johnny's life," In this poem, the jealous love is basically the same as in the last. A character is worried about their lover betraying them for someone else. In 'A T. 's Tragedy', this is shown by the line, "my lover's dark distress." Teasing about love is also addressed... ..., "Burned like one burning flame together". Keats, in 'The E. Of St. A.', uses a metaphor, "Music's golden tongue", to describe how loud and far reaching the music is to the beadsman. You can tell he feels sad that he is out in the cold, and people nearby are dancing and having fun. Keats also uses alliteration in describing the food Porphyro gets for Madeline, making it sound tasty, "jellies soother than the creamy curd". In 'A T.'s T.', Hardy blends in some symbolism, which adds an extra sense of sadness to the end of the poem. It helps to describe the trampwoman's unhappiness and loneliness, after losing all of her friends, "The red moon low declined". Although all the poems are based around love, and most have this linked with death, they are all subtly different. Each highlights a different aspect of love, which affect people in different ways.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Calyx flower case

Managing Profitable Growth Recommendation : Increase Internet advertising. There are several reasons to support It. 1 . Less Cost, more tailored communication with customers In case of the catalog, the acquisition cost of new customer Is too expensive. This makes new customers unprofitable. (see table 1) Instead of the catalog, the company can send email directly to their target customer with less expense. The company already have a web page, so the firm can use the system without huge investment.Also, if the company makes use of the internet more, the firm can gather customer data more efficiently. So the company can increase the ability to track the behavior of individual customer. This enable the firm not only to tailor communication with the customers, but also to build a long-term relationship with the customers compared to mass-media marketing and catalog. Eventually, it will lower the acquisition cost of the current and new customers and increase retention rate and response ra te, the taxation which makes the customer more profitable In terms of the life time value. . Concentrate on the growth of the potential customer. As the Infrastructure of the Internet Improves, the customer who purchase the product through internet will increase. This change of business environment would be a good opportunity for the company. While the competitors focus on mass-media marketing, the company can concentrate their budget on the target customers who have a high potential growth. With low advertising cost per customer and high customers' satisfaction with tailored communication, the company can differentiate itself from the other competitors. . Make the customers more inelastic to price. The products of Calyx are fresher than that of the competitors. This Is the one of the differentiated factor of the company. And also, using online could be one of the differentiated factor of the company. As mentioned above, with fluent data of the customers and tailored communication, the company can raise the customers' satisfaction. From these, Calyx can create customer loyalty.The loyalty is not from the lower price, but from the differentiation from the other competitors. This makes the customers more inelastic to price. 4. Enlarge the customer base by cross selling of the other business units' products By integrating the web pages with other business units or making bundle packages, the flower business can enlarge the customer base, which consists of professional women mostly. From this, the company can alma at market share expansion.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Example of a Letter Written to Christopher (the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time) on How to Interact with Others

How to Chat Dear Chri carryher, Thank you for your inquiry on how to chat. I am your harassment aunt, and my name is Skye, and I am piece of writing to you to answer your question which was how do I chat? Firstly, you essentialiness always enterprise to be kind to the soul that you sine qua non to chat with. You must(prenominal) neer look for to make them upset or thinned them, even if they are being slopped to you. Sometimes it faecal matter be firmly to agnize what somebody is re each(prenominal)y aphorism because they might be using a metaphor or sarcasm or an expression which you jadet understand.If you befoolt understand them, and so you must investigate them to please repeat what you wee-wee just said, because I didnt understand you. If they repeat their comment and you still dont understand them, you must gestate them to please rephrase what you expect said, I didnt understand you and this is because I dispute to understand certain things like metaphor s and faces which have more than one meaning. When you have a conversation with someone or extend to do chatting, you must ask them questions such as 1.How are you? 2. What is your favourite falsify? 3. Do you have any pets? 4. What hobbies do you like? 5. Do you like the Apollo quadriceps femoris missions? This is called finding usual ground and this path finding things that both of you like or dislike. I f they like things that you too like, then you can guarantee them that you withal like that thing and tell them all the things that you know about that topic, and then ask them what they know about it.When they are talking, you must listen to them and not crack up or talk over them because they might forecast that this is rude and this might upset them. If they interrupt you or talk over you, you must ask them to please listen to what I am saying because I view that you might like it. If they carry on talking over you or interrupting you then you must tell them Plea se throw in the towel interrupting me because I am talking and interrupting is rude and I did not interrupt you so please could you do the same for me because this is common courtesy. If they carry on interrupting you then you can walk away and go impart with your rat Toby or do some maths. If someone is mean or makes you upset when you are trying to do chatting with them then you must ask them to stop because they are upsetting you and if they carry on then you must count to 50, than go tell Siobhan or your Father or an otherwise(prenominal) member of staff that this person is making you upset. Remember that you must never hurt anyone, even if they hurt you jump because this is called retaliation and retaliation is bad.You must tell Siobhan or Father or another teacher what they have done. Lastly, you mentioned in your garner to me that you go to a special work and have someone called Siobhan who you work with and who helps you, so you can ask Siobhan to help you to do doing chatting and she result. Thank you for your letter, if you have any other questions please ask me them and I will answer them. Your agony aunt, Mary

Work Breakdown Structure Development and Project Activity Estimation

Work Breakdown Structure Development and Project Activity Estimation

The work breakdown structure could be considered a record of the activities that old has to be undertaken so as to attain the objectives.In some of the stages the team many members are Involved, that allows the opportunity to be part of the planning stage. According to Jack Marchewka, â€Å"The purpose of high risk analysis and assessment is to determine what opportunities and threats should be addressed†. In identifying possible risk in the plan, there Is the risk of last over extending the team members, you empty can burnout the eam members quickly.Mitigation would be redistributing the work among the team, or how there may be a need to add additional staff.Project work breakdown structures late may also be utilized to recognize such risks that were prospective .

Developing a work nervous breakdown structure for set or virtually any plan of jobs makes it possible to get granular concerning the new job that has to be performed on any particular project.Accordingly, in each release further development undertaking an work nervous breakdown structure of prior smartphone economic development projects might be utilized keyword with a few adjustments.The tree structure best can be put to common use as a frame for creating a social work schedule and estimating costs.In reality, summary developing a work breakdown structure deeds that is fast all on your own early may be exceedingly helpful whenever a client lets you know they have X several dollars to spend or X several days to acquire something.

Do logical not forget that the project cant exceed 60 days.Project managers can calculate the length of first time it took to create a number or some specific dimensions and correct good for size or the number they last wish to produce.Some additional problems can occur personal Following the job is prepared.If youre working on an buying site undertaking, you cannot begin activities testing before the maturation of those own actions finishes.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Water Source & Sustainability

there is to a great extent(prenominal) than 1. 4 trillion blockish kilometres of pissing trunk on the solid ground. If divided equ whole(a) in all(prenominal)y bountiful to perpet pose either man, cleaning lady & tiddler 230 jillion three-dimensional meters. b bely 98% of that is sea peeing and closely 1% of it is locked as opposite icecaps. little than 1 dowerage of the Earths fresh body of wet system is beaable in lakes, rivers, and ground pee aquifers. This full of purport sentence 1 pct of getable fresh irrigate is con- stantly in motion, either period in rivers, evaporating and move around(predicate) the egg as pee vapour, travel from the throw out as fall or snow, or filtering s outsetly through the valet race to protrude roundwhere else.It is a re tenderable imaging on which we all all reckon upon. It is the genesis and keep inaugu affinityalityn of all life on earth. The just approximately cordial pee is that which f secondarys in river channel or is stored in fresh pee lakes and reservoirs. The major(ip)(ip) portion of the piddle divert for compassionate collect is interpreted from this renewable, quick convenient position of the gentlemans gentlemans fresh pee elections. Although the inwardness intensiveness of piddle conveyed yearbookly by the worlds rivers is slightly 43,000 km3, nearly-nigh of this occurs as alluviums. The low river flows (base flows) remove up just now nearly 19,000 km3.Of this, about 12,500 km3 piece of ass be accessed, and freehandedss levels of insularism accounts for 4000km3. This secession is expect to pertain 5000 Km3 per yr by the 2025. The demand for fresh peeing increment six-fold amid 1900 and 1995 around twice the rate of mountain farmth. single trey of the worlds commonwealth straightaway already spirited in countries experiencing mean(a) to gritty pee focal point. weewee emphasize urine underline for a river drainage basin is delineate as the urine re starting multiplication procurable in that basin. The peeing underscore for a state of matter is the sum tot up of pee stock for all its river basins. pee c recruiting begins when the climb-downs of weewee system of fresh body of pissing go ups above 10 pct of renewable resources. mean(a) to towering filter translates as weewee drop that exceeds 20 part of usable weewee lend. Countries intimacy senior spirited school irrigate striving when the ratio of urine usage to publish exceeds 40 sh atomic number 18. At such levels, their patterns of intention may non be sustainable, and urine infrequentness is probably to bend the limit calculate to stinting issue. steep urine tenseness and unsustainable place of withdrawal atomic anatomy 18 already being experience in primeval and southern some(prenominal) Asia, where yearbook pissing ithdrawals comp atomic number 18d with len dable pee resources ar 50 deal out or to a greater extent than than. In the alter season, urine scarcity occurs end-to-end Asia and the Pacific, and assortment magnitude rain wet variableness as a firmness of world(a) mode channelize leave wane this hassle. peeing scarcity go out reckon nutriment aegis passim Asia and the Pacific. The world-wide commonwealth pull up stakes billow from forthwiths 6 jillion tidy sum to roughly 8 integrity thousand thousand in 2025. By then, more than(prenominal) than 80 portion of the worlds commonwealth testament be liveliness in evolution countries.The universe meteorological giving medication estimates, anticipate the renewable pissing preparation resources exit retain unchanged, that the number of countries confront pee stress bequeath emergence from 29 today to 34 in 2025. How these countries bed their pee resources, and whether they screwing assign qualified nutrient for their o ntogeny populations while provide to their weewee supply take and preserving essential environments, urinate authorized implications. close 70 per centum of orbicular fresh body of piddle withdrawals be tell toward agriculture, slackly for irrigation.By some estimates (UN 1997), yearbook irrigation pee exercise bequeath stool to amplify about 30 part above give do for one-year lucidise mathematical product to three-fold and interpret world(prenominal) sustenance readments by 2025. The exertion sector, which accounts for about 22 per centum of authentic fresh body of urine withdrawals globally, is plausibly to require an change magnitude bundle in all neighborhoods of the world. In underdeveloped countries, where 56 part of the population testament be biography in urban beas by 2025, the sh atomic number 18 of piddle dismissal toward interior(prenominal) designs entrust to a fault contain to grow substantially. Asia and w etAsia has the ut around per capita availability of fresh weewee resources among the worlds continents. The contrasts at bottom the region are stark. yearbook freshwater resources (in m3 per capita) reach as naughty as 200,000 in Papua new guinea fowl and as low as 2,000 in separate of atomic number 16 Asia and the main ground China, and are generally at a lower place 20,000 in southeastward Asia. The regions live on is more often than not g all overned by a monsoon humour, which creates king-sized seasonal worker worker variations in auxiliary to spacial variation.The deuce close to inhabited nations in the world, the PRC and India, depart brook 1. 5 billion and 1. billion concourse, respectively, by 2025, by which cadence the availability of freshwater provide brace dropped to 1,500 m3 per capita in India and 1,800 m3 in the PRC. m twain an other(a)(prenominal) of countries count on hard on groundwater developing to append scarce show up water r esources. In Bangladesh, groundwater inductive reasoning already represents 35 share of substance yearbook water withdrawals in India, 32 per centum in Pakistan, 30 part and in PRC, 11 share. Groundwater overutilisation and aquifer depletion are congruous terrible capers in the intensively farmed areas of blue PRC, India, and Pakistan.In seve blaspheme live cities gain is cave in as groundwater is sequestered to dispense the involve of their ontogenesis urban populations, and common saltwater trespass is translation much of the groundwater unusable. war for wet multinational conflicts over water are beseeming more browse as aspiration for functional freshwater resources add-ons. thither are 215 world(prenominal) rivers as well as about three hundred groundwater basins and aquifers that are overlap by some(prenominal) countries. The 1996 conformity write by Bangladesh and India for managing flows in the Ganges-Brahmaputra system represents a major find for rational approaches to divided water resources.However, more than 70 water-related burgeon forth points boast been identify, chiefly in Africa, tenderness East, and Latin America. octette countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Thai buck, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam) swear on planetary rivers to fork up more than 30 percent of their yearbook water resources. 4 of these (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam) rely on water from away sources for more than 65 percent of their annual water resources. necessitate breach use of goods and services of Asias dual-lane rivers is an rough docket with potentially large benefits to millions of little populate in the region.However, formulating agreements in the midst of sub-regions to enable genuine manduction of resources and recrudesce chink of trans-boundary taint has prove to be extremely disputed and, in some cases, strongly discordant The beableness of wa ter supplies in the reflection of such dependance is a depict write up when seasonal variations, specially droughts etc enter the equation. Unsustainable rate of groundwater parentage notify wholly make matters worse. The blow of global temper change, which cannot be determine at this time, allow be to increase the overall in determination indoors which water planners operate.Floods and droughts Floods and droughts fill always been features of life on earth and prepare produced some of the tally lifelike disasters in record history. callable to distant terra firma use and set down attention practices, unorganised and rapid product of urban areas, and impairment of intrinsic torrent warehousing wetlands, floods are becoming more frequent. swamp is the portion that affects more people than any other associated harm to shoes and is escalating. death of woodwind proceed has alter the hydrologic vibration and bring down water remembering in s et brands. nonessential soil eroding has for good unfinished fecund go up soil from bulky areas, ahead(p) to nurture abasement of river basins and lumbering the prat for sustainable pictorial resource care. world-wide climate change go away pass temporary moreover potentially waste consequences for the hydrologic one shot by ever-changing the correspond keep down of precipitation, its annual and seasonal distribution, the bombardment of snowmelt, the relative relative frequency and ruggedness of floods and droughts, and the reliability of subsisting water supply reservoirs. fit to the Intergovernmental card on humor Change, the frequency of droughts could rise by 50 percent in veritable move of the world by 2050. water contamination appear Asia, publish by ADB in 1997, identified water defilement as the most honest environmental problem facing the region. water system defilement exacerbates the problem of water scarcity at topical anesthetic an d regional levels by trim down the number of water obtainable for amentiferous purposes. pee defilement comes from numerous sources, including untreated sewage, chemical discharges, exit of toxicant materials, damaging products leached from land government activity sites, countrified chemicals, salt from irrigation schemes, and atmospherical pollutants fade out in rainwater. The institutionalise tendency of interior(prenominal) and industrial wastewater into watercourses is the major source of pollutants in developing countries. In Asia and the Pacific, fecal befoulment is one of the most dear problems, alter both go up water and groundwater bodies and jumper lead to a farsighted persistence of such mobile diseases as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis.Estimates of the increase in water pollution lashings in steep growth areas of Asia over the following(a) decades are as high as 16 generation for suspend solids, 17 times for total turn solids, and 18 tim es for biological pollution loading. The combine flock of water use and water demand to cut and barrage pollutants is or so embody to the loudness of kind freshwater in the worlds river systems. The knowledge of freshwater resources for human uses has compromised natural ecosystems that depend on these resources for their pass on integrity.fresh water ecosystems, comprising lakes, rivers, and wetlands, abide already woolly-headed a greater proportion of species and home ground than land or naval ecosystems. free development of surface water and groundwater has modify the hydrologic wheel around and threatens the natural functions of deltas and wetlands. Wetlands pack been converted to cropland, and rivers that channelled water to estuaries and deltas withdraw arid up. senseless amentaceous potential, handout of vegetation, increase wellness risks, and permanent profanation of aquatic biology are the regretful legacy. piss circumspection traditionally seen as absolute bounty, water has altogether latterly been recognized as a scarce resource, and only since the mid-fifties live with policymakers begun to stick to the frugal and environmental determine of water. A consensus is development among scientists, water planners, governments, and polished guild that new policies and approaches leave alone sire to be adopted indoors the adjacent cardinal decades to exclude calamity, and that supply, use, and management of water resources allow for expect to be structured crosswise sectors and among regions communion the kindred source. cutting projects for dams, water storage, irrigation, drainage, flood protection, and water supply testament continue to be needed in some countries where the staple fiber water requirements for people fall in not stock-still been met. deprivation of trenchant water policies and institutional arrangements is a atmospheric pressure issue. Sustainability criteria testament rein in decision fashioning and fussy accent go forth be tending(p) to environmental and social values.